My Testimony

I grew up in the church. I knew Jesus was nice and that Noah built the Ark and Jonah got eaten by a whale. I still sing Veggie Tales- "you are my cheeseburger, my tasty cheeseburger, I'll wait for youuuu". Anyone else remember or relate to that song more than ever now that we're older? … Continue reading My Testimony

Trusting God’s timing in the midst of chaos

We know that trusting God is one of the most important things when it comes to Christianity, but why the heck is it so hard? It's easy to trust God when life is going the exact way we want it to- we're crushing it at our job, our marriage is full of rainbows and butterflies … Continue reading Trusting God’s timing in the midst of chaos

Remembering who you are in the midst of hard times

When life is all hunky dory it's easy to remember our worth and our identity. When life starts throwing curveballs left and right, well, we forget who we are. At least I do. Our worth may change in other people's eyes when circumstances change that send us down a road we wish we weren't on, … Continue reading Remembering who you are in the midst of hard times

How to get out of a creative funk, or any other funk

I've fallen into a creative rut and I can't get up. Life Alert commercial, anyone? 😉 The past week or two I've been in a serious funk. My creative juices are nowhere to be found, my productivity is lost and my motivation is apparently hiding. My engagement on Instagram has been low (probably because I've … Continue reading How to get out of a creative funk, or any other funk

Stop comparing yourself to others & love who God made you

There is an abundant need in this world for your exact brand of beautiful -Lysa Terkeurst Read that quote this morning and immediately fell in love. It's so easy to get caught up in the comparison game. Comparing looks, careers, body type, personality, husbands and children to those we see online or witness at the … Continue reading Stop comparing yourself to others & love who God made you